Just So You Know...

This Could Get Weird

Sunday, February 26, 2012

This Was Worth It

For the first time, I was looking through a movie catalog system, that just so happens to begin with the letter "N", and I stumbled across a Romero film that, for the love of all that is holy, I had not seen!!!! I know, hard to think that someone who claims to be infatuated with the undead HASN'T seen all of Romero's films! Here's a little secret you may not know about me, that only my closest of friends and family do...get ready for it....


Not just that, the idea of watching your loved ones become flesh eaters or just maybe your children! Ok, so maybe I tend to get a little over excited and jumpy when watching a Z-Flick. It's only a little humorous but talk about an adrenaline rush!

The movie was Day of the Dead. Pretty good cast, especially Vingh Rames! Decent acting at least, can't say say the same for the graphics...anyway the plot...the storyline is what brought back a familiar idea that I rarely think upon, only because it takes days to get out of my head (laughing at self nervously).

Government conspiracy theory. Testing in an undisclosed area that turns out to be not as secure as one imagined. Virus gets out...we become the test subjects.

Tell me I'm just over imaginative but...possibility?